“Knowledge is the greatest good”. Sounds like a statement of a
philosopher like Socrates or Plato right? No quite the opposite, the slogan of
a perversion upon Christmas, part of the Illinois State Christmas display. A
display of a tree, a serpent, and and an apple with the inscription of this
quote this is neither the entry of a arborist club, an environmental group, or
anything of the like, but, the Illinois satanists.
Now this entry is obviously trying
to glorify the devil but their choice of accomplishing it through a statue of a
tree is interesting. Actually, it's quite smart from their point of view in its
pervertedness, in total opposition to the meaning of Christmas. The statue is
of course glorifying the fall, glorifying Adam and Eve in the Original Sin but
its connection to their slogan and Christmas, less obvious, is a negation of
Christ as the Redeemer.
Christ is wisdom as one of the O antiphons states, the Wisdom
or wise knowledge of God granted in His will:
O come, O Wisdom from on
Who orders all things
us the path of knowledge show,
teach us in her ways to go.
Now wisdom is not the same as
knowledge absolutely and is actually quite different from some of the equivocal
meanings of knowledge. The knowledge in the usage here of the satanist group,
and, I assume, also in the ideas of the Gnostics as they talk of “secret
knowledge”. They do not want Christ as the wisdom, as that which is God and to
which one must submit but as a controllable knowledge, a power or tool. This is
what Adam and Eve were tempted with, a power which would make one like God, a
power of supremacy, to become that which they were not. This is not the wisdom
of humble submission to God that is Christ as the Son of the Father, Mary in
submitting to God’s plan for her, or anything like submission or piety (as
service to God) but the sin of the original fall of the angels. This is the “I
will not serve” of lucifer, the grasping at power and at blessing rather than
humbly receiving it from God.
Looking back at the original sin, it fits here as a grasping at
power from God in the same way with the knowledge as attached to power over
Him, but ironically this grasping at the knowledge and power that they thought
would make them like God in fact made Adam and Eve more ignorant and enslaved.
They thought they knew but did not - which…
...sounds like Plato where Socrates in the dialogue Phaedrus mentions this very idea:
And in this instance, you who are the father of letters, from a paternal love of your own children have been led to attribute to them a quality which they cannot have; for this discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves. The specific which you have discovered is an aid not to memory, but to reminiscence, and you give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; they will be tiresome company, having the show of wisdom without the reality.
Socrates here was discussing the
problematic nature of writing as creating false knowledge that people believed
to be wisdom but in fact made them worse off than before. True wisdom is good
but this false knowledge is worse than nothing at all; it is better to be
ignorant than to have corrupting knowledge as we see when pure knowledge that one should not
know corrupts in thought and deed. That is, knowing is not good in itself
This worse position from having only the “semblance of truth”
is as was man after the appearance of truth in the fruit of the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil. Man now has worse than before, far worse, cut off
from God whose power and knowledge he thought he could grasp.
But then of course there was the original proto-evangelium, the first gospel or message of salvation, when God promised to make all right. This gave more than knowledge but a sort-of un-recognized divine wisdom as it is true knowledge imparted by God according to His wish/will. Although it was not understood in the moment, salvation was to come not by men grabbing but by humble submission of man to God, of Him reaching down to man. This is Christ, Mary, and Christmas, man not trying to become what he is not, but accepting what he is, the opposition of the Fall.
In their display then, the satanists
are of course celebrating the Fall of Man, but are celebrating what is actually
a failure even in its intended purpose. Man lost what he had when he attempted
to become what he was not and the satanists in attempting to glorify it reverse
the joy of Christmas. If the greatest good is but a struggle to become what we
are not there is no hope for man as man’s “best attempt” at becoming God, “the
fall” failed and plunged man into misery and sin. The devil wants misery, sin,
and discord in his anger against God and this glorification of knowledge is all
the same. Again, it is not the true wisdom of knowledge that we are supposed to
know or granted by God as in all the other trees in the Garden of Eden.
Although it may be revealed interiorly in the “still-small voice” it is not a
secret knowledge that brings one power over another but made for community.
And this is how wisdom was born. He
“who orders all things mightily” came down to bring the true Knowledge of Good
and Evil not as a power to man but in Himself as God. The true knowledge is
Wisdom, he himself,
who was born in seclusion but was for the world, who was born with poverty, but
adored by kings. Granted by God, not grasped by man, He is God come to be, not
Man trying to be what he is not. So then, Socrates had it right (on this, not
necessarily everything) Wisdom is in realizing what we do not know, ignorance
comes often from thinking that one knows, and we can truly receive Wisdom
Himself in humility with our ignorance, showing contrition and thereby becoming wise,
or moved by God Himself. We can reverse the fall and actually gain knowledge of
good and evil when we submit, and serve, accepting the true greatest good, God
Himself in Holy Communion.
Veni, Veni, Emmanuel
Veni, O Sapientie
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